Ok, second trip to the EMP, and really, truly had enough of this museum! We were disappointed the first time since there really is a huge lack of any Seattle music scene exhibits there, except of course Jimi Hendrix, now today I head out for free Thursday evenings to find out that they don't include special exhibits during the free nights! It isn't even mentioned on their website about this policy! So today, no Nirvana :( and we are debating whether or not we really want to even support this place with any money to see Nirvana later this week! And I wouldn't recommend this place for anyone, not after two visits, and two bad ones to boot.
An essay in progress by my eldest....feedback always appreciated!
By: Wesam Alkhani
Steampunk is a sub-genre of Science Fiction, which is a crossover of Sci-Fi and the Victorian Era, referring to a setting where steam power is widely used, but with more advanced technology than the real world steam power. Steampunk is widely used in theatrical performances, books, and movies. Steampunk is well known sub-genre of Science Fiction, and is a model of expressive art forms.
Steampunk was mostly developed in the 1980’s through 90’s, but settings have been used in earlier times. H.G. Wells sets a good example for this. In his novel, ‘The Time Machine’, many of its settings are considered Steampunk, although the actual mechanics were built on electricity. When he leaps into the future, the futuristic setting is one different than today. It is the true definition of Steampunk, because in his future, most everything floats, glides, or teleports.
The actual term ‘Steampunk’ is derived from Cyberpunk, which is a futuristic computer setting. It seems to have been coined by K.W. Jeter, who was trying to find a name for works by artists such as Tim Powers and James Baylock.
Steampunk can be used in many different time periods and settings within the steam power period, but the Victorian Era is most commonly used and most accurate for steam power. The Victorian Era was the era in which queen Victoria ruled Britain from 20 June, 1837 until her death on 21 January, 1901. In this era, steam power was widely used, for electricity was still not widespread and there were no major organized electric sources. This was a time of growth and prosperity for Britain and America, who were both developing mass steam power sources.
In modern art, Steampunk uses such elements as Brass, Valves, Meters, and many pipes. It has inspired many artists with sculptures such as Tetroscope, By Paul St George, at London Hall of Arts. Kinetics is also a very important element in many Steampunk sculptures. Clockwork Universe by Tim Whetherell is a Kinetic clock that uses steam power and does certain movements in the background.
Steampunk is widely used in fantasy performances. League of STEAM are a performing group that specializes in Steampunk. They perform several acts, all based on Steampunk stories.
Many movies could be considered steam punk as well, such as Atlantis or The Polar Express.
There are also many television series that are Steampunk. Nadia: Blue Waters is very extensive in the Steampunk genre.
Steampunk is a signature of art, and since it started, there is a growing interest to make Steampunk a larger form of art, and a form of life.
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